
Order Completed.

Congratulations on taking a huge leap forward in your success and growth as a real estate professional. We're excited to welcome you to the WhaleScale Family, and we can hardly wait to start generating some insane results and bringing you a predictable and automated solution for finding new clients and listings.

Account Setup & Onboarding

WhaleScale Facebook Information:

Use This ID to “add a partner” in facebook business manager

  • WhaleScale Business Manager ID: 359153171476219

WhaleScale Web Hosting Information:

If you have a domain name registered that you want to use for the custom landing page, please forward the domain to our hosting platform @ www.ionos.com. Otherwise we can setup a new domain for you.

The Nameservers for IONOS are:


Please route the domains to these nameservers via DNS records in your platform. (ie. Godaddy).

©Copyright Whalescale Media 2021